Wednesday, 23 October 2013

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE - A practical Introduction (Video Extract)

I was delighted to be asked by Matt Kendall of Interesting Talks - London  to give a practical overview of Emotional Intelligence - Picadilly, London, Monday 21 October 2013.

The main themes of the evening were: 

  • the definition, domains & key skills of EI 
  • the role of mindfulness in the study & practice of EI
  • awareness of the corrosive nature of daily 'low level' negativity in the workplace
  • replacing negativity with real positivity

During the course of the 2 hour session the seventy members were split into groups to list and discuss their own awareness of their personal points of stress; their negativity triggers; and finally, personal positive truths about themselves. Everyone got involved and contributed to a lively and enjoyable evening.

Below is a brief extract taken half way through the evening.

Alan Keyse
email Alan

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