William Shakespeare
Our desire for external appreciation, approval and esteem, can compel us to abandon our inner selves in the futile search for external affirmations of our worth. The desire to please others in order to feel of value becomes a need which can never be fulfilled and can distract us from focusing on our own potential and fulfilment.
If, however, we can make positivity of outlook, goodness of intention, & compassion, our moment by moment priorities, the appreciation we once sought so desperately fades in importance & we no longer have that need to satisfy others. Instead we are warmed by a profound and internal sense of our inherent worth, our world, and our core values. With this comes an underlying strength and calm which gives out very positive energy to everyone we come into contact with.
Whatever we seek to achieve, we should allow ourselves the luxury of the compassion, the patience, and the common humanity we so easily afford to, for example, our close friends. We see our friends strive and fail and yet we are there supporting them all the way. Are we, ourselves, no less entitled to the same understanding? Once we have thrown off the shackles of fear lest we fail, we will meet challenges, be they in business or at home, with an enthusiasm that views errors and failure as merely signposts on the way to greater successes and achievement.
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